Whitening is a procedure that is designed to lighten the color of your teeth. All forms of health treatment, including tooth whitening, have some risks and limitations. Complications that occur in professional tooth whitening is infrequent and usually minor. Studies indicate that professional tooth whitening is the safest aesthetic dental procedure available.
There are 2 types of whitening available. In-Office Whitening or Take-Home Whitening:
Take-Home Whitening: This process can be done anywhere, not just at home. It involves wearing a custom—made whitening tray that looks like a thin, transparent night guard. The tray is filled with a whitening gel and then it is worn for a period (as per specific instructions) which continues for approximately 1-3 weeks. Some advantages of the take-home kit are its convenience and it usually costs less. The disadvantages are the length of total treatment time, inconvenience to wear the trays and the results being dependent on the consistent use of the trays.
In-Office Whitening: This process can generally be done in one visit, however depending on how well your teeth respond to the treatment, you may require further visits. Each appointment takes about one hour. Due to the strong whitening gel used in this procedure, the gums must be protected by a resin shield. Once the gums are protected, and a cheek-lip retractor is in place, the gel is painted on the teeth. A light is then applied to activate the gel.
Some Potential Problems
Tooth Sensitivity: Sensitivity can occur during the whitening process as well as in the first 1-2 days. This sensitivity is most often mild and will usually subside in 1-2 days. If your teeth are normally sensitive, you must inform us before starting your treatment. It may be necessary for you to take some painkiller whatever you would normally take for a headache (Advil, Tylenol) before or after the whitening process to reduce sensitivity.
Gum or Soft Tissue Irritation: Temporary inflammation of your gums or any oral soft tissue may occur. If some of the gel touches your tissues or gums, a burning sensation can occur, it is important for you to tell us if this happens so that we can apply some liquid isolation.
Exposed Root Surfaces: These areas may be sensitive or become sensitive during the whitening process. Please inform Dr Ahmed if there is any sensitivity.
Fillings or Dental Restorations: Fillings, crowns and some deep stains may not lighten. Therefore, you should be prepared to have these areas replaced to match your newly whitened teeth. If there are any fillings that are leaking, and the gel gets inside of the tooth, damage to the nerves of the tooth could result and cause pain or require further dental treatment. Therefore, these areas should be restored prior to any whitening.
Whitening Level: The most difficult stains to whiten are tetracycline stains. Although the success rate is very high, there is no reliable way to predict how light your teeth will whiten. We cannot guarantee the outcome, but we are partners with you and will work with you diligently. Sometimes more than one session is necessary to significantly whiten your teeth. Every tooth and every individual is unique.
Patient Cooperation: This may be the single most important factor affecting treatment. Lack of cooperation may adversely affect the quality of the results. We cannot stress enough that you do not use any tobacco products, eat any chocolate, sauces (especially tomato based products), coffee, tea, soy sauce, curries, red wine, blueberries, strawberries, beet root, or anything that will stain clothing for a minimum of 48 hours after whitening. REMEMBER, if the food or drink can stain a white T-shirt, it will stain and darken your teeth.
Relapse: Once whitening is complete, there may be a gradual relapse to a darker shade. This depends on oral habits such as smoking, tea and coffee usage, and eating certain staining foods.
Contraindications: Patients with active periodontal disease, gross caries, allergies to chemical products such as hydrogen peroxide or resin are not candidates for laser tooth whitening procedures. Teeth whitening cannot be performed if you are pregnant or nursing or under the age of seventeen. Please advise Dr. Ahmed if this is the case.